
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Something Smells Fishy…

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish.False

Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.False

Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish.False

Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc)True

Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’False

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Wesley

    Lee here from the Summer Learning Journey team. I'm enjoying reading all the activities that your school is completing!

    I'm glad you got the true one about how fish communicate with each other. I was quite surprised when I learned that! Do you like fish? I was looking at a tank to maybe get some fish, but it was too expensive.

    Talk to you later!
    - Lee
