
Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Zebrafish text:

New words: .

Anatomy- study of the body.

Post-fertilization  - after the boy part and girl part come together to make a baby (when the cells combine)

Himalayas - mountain range that separates China and India

Embryo - a group of cells that turn into a baby or egg

Genetic - relating to your DNA

Himalayas - A country that has a lot of Mountains

Ganges  - a long river in India

Organs - body parts

Juvenile - child/teenager

  Sections - slices  

Stained with dyes - putting different coloured liquids onto it so you can see different parts 

Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

 Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

Main ideas in our own words: 

- Zebrafish live in the river in india.And zebrafish are transparent and they have fresh water.And scientists study about zebrafish.Zebrafish is 2.5cm to 4cm long. And It takes 2 to 3 days for the egg to hatch and it’s lifespan is 2 to 7 years.

Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

 Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

Thursday, August 20, 2020



If New Zealand was 100 people.

Early humans

Fragile web of life new words

Words from transcript:

 Vegetation -All plants

Proliferate - spread

Enabled - allowed, afforded                                                   

Microbes - teeny tiny organisms like bacteria

 Adversaries - enemies, foes. 

 Majority - the biggest section

 Irrevsible - can’t go back, can’t undo it.

Pulsating - vibrating, moving, alive.

Eco systems - a group of organisms that live together and rely on each other for survival

Pollinators - animals that spread pollen, like bees.

Magnitude - importance

Breeding - making babies 

 Ensured - make sure. 100% gonna happen.

Summary of ideas: 

Paragraph one -  organisms/living things came out of the water. Life emerged from the ocean nearly 3 and a half billion years ago.The Earth was covered in plants (vegetation). Different species of animals/organisms evolved over millions of years in different habitats. 

Paragraph two - Animals that are predators have less babies, less often, (E.g. humans mostly have one baby at a time) because they will survive. Animals that are prey, have more babies/eggs, more often, because their babies/eggs will get eaten by predators. For example, glow worms lay eggs in batches of  30. When the first egg hatches, that worm eats its siblings as its first food source.

Paragraph three - Animals live in ecosystems, which is like a web or team where all the organisms rely on each other to survive. Some animals eat each other  (predator and prey), some trees are homes for animals, some fungi rot the leaves that fall from trees and feed nutrients back into the ground.

Paragraph four - Humans are destroying the planet through pollution, cutting down trees (deforestation) and putting bad gases into the air. We will have lots of animals/species either by killing them or destroying their habitats. Scientists predict that within 30 years, ⅕ of all species on Earth will be extinct.

Paragraph five/six  - In a rush to improve our own lives, humans have damaged the planet forever. Species that go extinct can never be brought back to life. 

Genomics - 

Big ideas Room 8 wants to understand 

About animals 

 How do lizards cut their tail?


Why did living people grow no tails?

About evolution 





About human evolution (or humans in general)


How do animals evolve from water?

Today we were filling in hard sience word for our work on how animals evolved from water to land.


Today were learning about the cool adaptations animals have. For example wood frogs they can freeze themselves to survive winter. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Meaning Of Words

 Qur’an - Muslim Bible

Deeds - Action performed Intentionally

Ceiling - inside of a roof

Mecca - A place for muslims to go and pray

Gestapo - It was the official secret police of Germany 

Thrust - Push,Shove

Stammered - Saying something with difficulty

Good Omens - Either a sign thats imagined or real

Mental asylum - Hospital for mentally incompete people

Shuddered - Result of fear

Stubble -  Th cut stalks of cereal plants

Ripe - Developed to point when readiness for eating

Fugitive - A person who has escaped or is hiding

Guantanamo Bay - It’s a place

Waterspout - A rotating column of water and spray

Brass - A yellow alloy

Tarnished - To lose something like close to them

Idoline - it is the chemical element of atomic 53. A non-metallic element forming black crystals and violet vapour

Disinfectant - chemical liquid that destroys bacteria

Welts - a sore like a blister

Malecon - the spanish word for pier

Scoffed - talking to someone in a mocking way

Aft - Aft basically means the front of a boat/ship. 

Steward - A steward means someone who is assigned to look after passengers on a ship, aircraft or a train.

Dachau - Dachau is a concentration camp for Jews

Confined To Quarters - This just means, a jail cell for the ill or something… I really don’t know-  

Brim Of Their Hat - The brim of the hat is basically the hard part of a cap/hat.

Hitler Salute - A Hitler salute is extending your right arm out and keeping your hand flat and shouting “Heil Hitler!” or “Seig Heil!”.

Lingered - Lingered means just staying in one spot for a long time.

Third Reich - i am… disgusted. uh-1

Iodine - is a bottle for a sickness

Disinfectant - is a cleaner bottle

Welts - is like a sickness like chicken pops

Malecon - is a place 

Scoffed - talking to someone by mocking

Fugitive - a guy who escaped from a place or hiding

Guantanamo bay is a place for prisoners

Brass - is gold stuff

Waterspout - something that comes from the sky, or like a tap

Tarnished - is like a fork or a spoon

Jewish-is a beliefs

Nazi-is a big group of people that do not like Jewish and put them in concentration camp 

Hittler-is the leader of the Nazi 

Clawed-scratching someone's with your claws

Bureans- drawer

Scowled-looked at them badly

Dismissive wave-go away wave

Scrawny-very thin or skinny

Synagogues-synagogue is a Jewish house of worship

Despair-deep sadness or loss of hope

Stopped dead-not moving

Civil war-civil war means a war between citizens of the same country.

Dictators-Dictators mean a ruler with total power over a country,typically one who has obtained controlled by force.

Overthrowing-knock or throw to the ground.

Whizzing-move quickly through the air with whistling or buzzer sound.

Flailed-wave or swing widely.

Cowered-couch down in fear

Wailed-utter a wail

Telegram-a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form, used in the UK only for international messages since 1981.

Sturmabteilung-Definition of SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers) SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers): Also known as "Brown Shirts," they were the Nazi party's main instrument for undermining democracy and facilitating Adolf Hitler's rise to power.

Swastika-an ancient symbol in the form of an equal-armed cross with each arm continued at a right angle, used (in clockwise form) as the emblem of the German Nazi party.

Trembling-shaking or quivering, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty.

Restoration-the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.

Berlin-berlin is a city in germany

Bow-Two loops tied together - OR the front part of a ship. 

Starboard-The side of a ship that is on the right facing forward

Anchor-Something to hold the boat down.

Quailed-To show fear to something.

Loomed-Something large or scary.

Wake-When your eyes open when they are closed for a long time

 Behemoth-is a huge monstrous creature.

Mere- Mere is something to describe someone worthless.

Amidships-In the middle of a ship.

Ocean floor-the very bottom of the ocean.

Sluicing-Wash or rinse something with a stream of shower water.

Asylum-Someone who left their country 

Panoramic-Surrounding people that are watching you

Sneering-The action of smiling or speaking in a contemptuous or mocking manner 

Solemnly-Formal and dignified speech

Pedestal-The base or support on witch statue,or column is mounted

Spooked- scared

Steering wheel- the round thing you use to drive a boat

Porthole- a circular window on a boat

Obscure- weird, unusual 

Bridge- the control centre of a boat

Horst Wessel- a song Nazi’s sung about Jewish people.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Graph intepretation


Room 8’s graph interpretation

Rosie and Chanel - 15 year olds don’t get bullied as much as Year 9’s.

Kymani and Boston - Year 5’s get physically hurt the most.

Kordell and Saia - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names. 

Eve and Lemeki - Year 9’s are called names equal amount to year 5’s. 

Nitika and Litia - No 15 year olds reported they had been made to do things they don’t want to do. 

Stanley - 15 year olds get bullied the least because they are more mature. 

Mariah - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names BECAUSE their younger. 

Michael and Wesley - Year 5’s get bullied more than Year 9’s or 15 year olds.

Hope and Maria - Only year 9’s reported that they had embarrassing things posted about them online. 

Ana and Senitila -  15 year olds are not being pushed around to do things.

Fereti and Mathew - More year 5’s feel left out of games than Year 9’s and 15 year olds.

Railey and Davlyn - 60% of Year 5’s reported that they have been bullied in some kind of way.


100% of Year 5’s have been bullied.


0% of 15 year olds reported they had something embarrassing posted about them online.


More than 20% of Year 5’s reported having something stolen from them. 


50% of  YEar 9’s have been bullied.


20% of YEar 9’s reported they have been purposefully left out of games. 


Thursday, August 6, 2020

10 facts about Cook island

Most of you probably know that the Cook Islands were named after Captain Cook, the British explorer. What you might not know is that he only briefly set foot on the uninhabited Palmerston Atoll and missed Rarotonga, the biggest island, altogether!

The first Polynesian settlers to arrive in the Cook Islands came from Tahiti around 900AD. That’s pretty impressive considering there were obviously no planes back then and Tahiti is around 1,200km away!

There are still strong links between the two nations with many similarities between the cultures.

The Cook Islands are actually comprised of 15 islands, 13 of which are inhabited. Although the islands make up only 240 square kilometres of land, the ocean area in and around their borders totals 1.8 million square kilometres!

So you’ll need more than flippers and a snorkel to get from one to the other.

The capital of the Cook Islands, Rarotonga, has 6 times more people (approx 13,000) living in it than the island in second place, Aitutaki (approx 1,900). It is also 30% larger than the next biggest island, Mangaia.

The numbers themselves are quite small considering over 125,000 tourists visit the Cook Islands every year.

Over 61,000 people identify as Cook Island Maori in New Zealand compared to the total population of the Cook Islands at around 17,000. The Cook Islands have a free association relationship with New Zealand which means their citizens automatically get New Zealand citizenship too.

Before all you Kiwis get your hopes up, the deal only goes one way so you’ll have to stick to visiting the Cook Islands on holiday.

The standard currency for the Cook Islands is the New Zealand dollar but they had their own notes until the 1990’s including a $3 note. Whilst the other notes have largely been replaced, the $3 note is still around and makes a popular souvenir for tourists.

They also still have some of their own coins including a triangular $2 coin which is pretty cool.

This one may be a little subjective and we are admittedly pretty bias but it doesn’t take away from the fact that Cook Islanders are pretty good singers and dancers. Singing and dancing are both so much a part of the Cook Island culture to which anyone who’s been to a cultural performance here will agree.

It helps that Cook Islanders have to study singing and dancing as a mandatory part of their education at school.

Again, a little subjective, but it’s because the scooter is such an essential part of the daily life in the Cook Islands. Given how small the islands are, hopping on a scooter to get from one place to the other is the best way to go. Many tourists do this themselves when they visit!

The main circular road in Rarotonga is 32km long taking about 45 mins to do a full loop by scooter.

A big tick in the box for those that suffer from arachnophobia or ophiophobia, as there are no snakes in the Cook Islands and barely any spiders too. It’s not too surprising when you think about it, given the remoteness of the islands and the lack of wings those species have.

Everyone knows that coconuts are plentiful in the Pacific which probably why a certain species of crab have evolved to eat them. They are known as the Coconut Crabs (Birgus latro) and as these extremely shy critters do not come out in the open if you wish to see one, it would be best to ask a local to show you the way!

They also have incredible longevity and can live to around 50 years old!

It’s not really a curse (couldn’t help but reference the Pirates of the Caribbean film) but the Cook Islands is one of the largest exporters of Black Pearls in the world. These amazing gems look incredible with their vivid black tones and slight shades of green, pink, blue and yellow in some instances.

You’ll have plenty of places to have a look at these in the Cook Islands at many of the jewellers and shops.

In 2006, the well-known ‘Survivor’ reality TV show came to the Cook Islands in its 13th edition of the series. The contestants that year probably couldn’t have believed their luck to end up in the tropical oasis that is the Cook Islands. They were nevertheless kept busy with the usual tasks and challenges on the show.

There have also been a few films shot in the Cook Islands like ‘Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence’ and ‘The Other Side of Heaven’.

Given how prevalent these big international brands are you sort of just naturally expect them to be everywhere you go. Well, things are a bit different in the Cook Islands and despite repeated attempts to try and get in, local businesses are all that you’ll find.

Without being disrespectful to those successful brands, it’s a nice thing to appreciate and creates are more authentic and intimate experience with the local people when you visit.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our collection of interesting Cook Island facts and hope it gets you excited about visiting our beautiful islands (and resorts) soon!


Cooking Technology

Yesterday we went technology and I was in the cooking group. Our teacher was Mrs Hammer she was a good teacher for cooking because she was a natrual cooker.  We were cooking something with eggplant. We were being recorded by the teacher so the teachers see how we work in the kichen. She was telling us to listen so she could not repeat herself . We had to fry the meance and use the eggplant to put on top when it's finish from the oven. Then you wrap it then eat it.

Transcipt for video

Can Science Explain the Origin of Life?

Stated Clearly presents:

Can science explain the origin of life? A full scientific explanation for the origin of life does not currently exist, but research groups around the globe are tackling the mystery. Here we'll take a look at a few of their discoveries. 

Darwin's theory of biological evolution tells us that all life on Earth may have originated from a single, relatively simple reproducing creature, living in the distant past. This idea is based on many observations one of which is that when living things reproduce, children are often born with random new traits. 

Those with negative new traits are less likely to survive and reproduce. Those with positive new traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their children. Over multiple generations, positive traits build up allowing relatively simple life forms to evolve into complex life forms and even split into multiple different species. 

A careful look at the fossil record overwhelmingly confirms Darwin's theory - life forms get simpler and simpler as we go back in time. The record suggests that all life on Earth emerged from primitive cellular colonies which first appeared roughly three and a half billion years ago. 

But how did those first reproducing creatures come about? Even the simplest bacteria alive today are far too complex to have popped into existence in a single step. Furthermore, the first reproducing creature could not have developed through biological evolution, because biological evolution requires reproduction in order to work. 

The origin of life needs its own explanation. 

The most promising idea right now, the one which is consistently leading scientist to new discoveries, is the idea that life emerged from chemistry. 

Chemistry is the study of matter - particularly, how atoms interact and combine to form molecules, and how those molecules interact and combined to form larger systems and structures. 

Everything is made of chemicals. The air we breathe….the ground we walk on….the shoes on our feet….even the feet inside our shoes. That said, the chemistry and life is special in two very important ways. 

First, the chemistry of life is organized into metabolic pathways. If you look at the cells of any living thing, even a plant which you wouldn't normally think of as being very lively, you discover a world of activity. 

Chemical reactions occur in continuous orderly paths, each reaction sparking the next. Scientists call these strange reactions, metabolic pathways.

The second oddity of life's chemistry, is that living cells are made of special molecules building blocks like amino acids and sugars which we once thought could not be found outside of life. These building blocks combine to form highly complex and orderly structures like genes, proteins, and cell membranes. 

In the past, scientist had no idea what powered the strange activities of life, and produced its unique chemicals. They concluded that life must be fueled by a mysterious energy they called it: The Vital Force. 

In 1828 a chemist by the name of Friedrich Wöhler, accidentally produced urea in his lab. Urea is one of the main components of urine. One of many chemicals that the scientists of his time thought could only be produced by the Vital Force, acting inside a living creature. The artificial production and urea suggested that life might not be powered by a mysterious force, but instead is powered by normal chemical reactions, which could be studied and understood. 

Since that time, numerous molecules and cellular activities have been recreated in the lab, clearly demonstrating life powered by normal chemical reactions, and suggesting that life may have emerged from non-living chemistry. 

Amino acids and sugars exist inside meteorites - rocks which have fallen to the earth from outer space. This tells us that these special molecules are being produced spontaneously all throughout our solar system and may have been common on the ancient Earth. 

We've also discovered a process now referred to as Chemical Evolution. When simple molecules are left alone with an energy source, they interact with one another often forming larger more complex molecules as time goes on. 

Experiments in the lab have shown that chains of chemical reactions can develop, some of which resemble the metabolic pathways of life.

Surprisingly, we've also found that certain molecules have the remarkable ability to self-assemble into complex orderly structures. Some self-assemble into hollow spheres almost identical to the membranes of modern living cells. Others self-assemble into long columns  remarkably similar to the strains of DNA found in life. 

Scientists still have many questions to answer about life's origins: 

So... back to the original question, can science explain the origin of life? 

Science has not explained the origin of life in full detail, but researchers are building a theory intended to one day describe, start to finish, how basic chemistry can give rise to living cells. (WOW!) 

I'm Jon Perry and that's the origin of life, as we understand it so far, Stated Clearly. 

Your notes:

Biological-related to biology or living organisms.
Reproduction: keep on going back to live
Vital-absolutely necessary; essential.
Chemistry-the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.

Monkeys and Humans

1) How many chromosomes do human beings have in their cells??=
23 cells and 46 cells in total.

2)How many chromosomes do monkeys usually have in their cells? Monkeys have 48 chromosomes in their body. This number of chromosomes is greater than two of human chromosomes.

3) is it genes that hold chromosomes that hold genes? Which is right?
Chromosomes hold genes because chromosomes have some DNA in it.

Genomics Reading - Notes/Vocab
Monday 3 of August 2020
GENOMICS is the study of cells that make up the body. 

Organism - a living thing (humans, bugs, birds, animals etc). 

XX - female
XY - male

Humans have 22 sets of chromosomes which are made up of A, C, G and T bases. These are in different combinations which change =your physical appearance/characteristics. 

Humans and monkeys have a lot of similarities. We are both mammals. So that means we are both warm blooded which means we both need to stay warm or else =we can freeze to death, but other animals like snakes sharks etc are cold blooded also mammals are the only things that can sweat so we can die from overheating. Monkeys and humans also have opposable thumbs which means we can use our thumbs for tools like utensils. Monkeys generally have 48 chromosomes. This number of chromosomes is greater than the number passed by humans by two.

We both also communicate in our own languages monkeys speak in their own language and humans speak in their own. Humans are carnivores and monkeys. They both have shelter/home like monkeys live in the zoo and humans have home. Humans and monkeys are both primates. Chimpanzees are genetically closest to humans, and in fact, chimpanzees share about 98.6% of our DNA. Monkeys and humans know how to speak sign language. And monkeys can hug/high five/run just like humans. Humans and monkeys are omnivore. They both eat bananas just like humans, but humans eat steak and meat. 

Monkeys and Humans are the same but there are some differences between them.
 Humans lifespan is 82yrs and Apes lifespan are 39yrs. Gorilla Lifespan is 35 to 40yrs and champagne lifespan are 39yrs. Mammals are warm blooded like humans and monkeys and cold blooded are animals like fish/sharks/turtles and penguins.  Humans are carnivores which means that they eat meat. If they are carnivores they have sharp teeth to cut the meat. Lots of monkeys are carnivores too. In addition there are monkeys and humans that are vegetarian which mean that they only eat vegetables.  

Humans have fewer chromosomes than monkeys. 

What is a homosapien?
      A Homosapien is an old name for Humans.

What is a primate?
      A primate is a eutherian mammal for short monkeys.the chief bishop or            
         archbishop of   a province.

What is the difference between the two?
      The difference is monkeys can't talk and Humans can.

 What does ´homo´ mean?
       It means a homosexual man


They are tricking you!
One way to trick you is not starting the y axus at zero.
Another way to trick you is having number that are way to big on the y axis.

E.g  you wouldn't use a pie chart whe showing something that changes overtime.
Going against convention means doing things NOT in the normal-E.h. having green to mean stop and red to mean go.