
Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Zebrafish text:

New words: .

Anatomy- study of the body.

Post-fertilization  - after the boy part and girl part come together to make a baby (when the cells combine)

Himalayas - mountain range that separates China and India

Embryo - a group of cells that turn into a baby or egg

Genetic - relating to your DNA

Himalayas - A country that has a lot of Mountains

Ganges  - a long river in India

Organs - body parts

Juvenile - child/teenager

  Sections - slices  

Stained with dyes - putting different coloured liquids onto it so you can see different parts 

Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

 Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

Main ideas in our own words: 

- Zebrafish live in the river in india.And zebrafish are transparent and they have fresh water.And scientists study about zebrafish.Zebrafish is 2.5cm to 4cm long. And It takes 2 to 3 days for the egg to hatch and it’s lifespan is 2 to 7 years.

Coronal -  cutting in half vertically E.g. separating the front and the back 

Transverse -   cutting in half horizontally, E.g. cutting the head off the body

 Sagittal - cutting in half  vertically - E.g. cutting the left side away from the right side.

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