
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Best holiday ever

Hurry up” we are” going to Auntie anne's” house muttered mum. Because Dad is going to church. And after that he’s going to come a little bit later after 12. We were still at the house waiting for dad to  change and take a shower. It was kind of them to let us come over to there house. We went to Auntie anne’s house when it was about 6 u’clock. So we got in the car and drived passed Countdown and got in my Auntie’s house she had two daughters that are sixteen years old and they go to One Tree Hill college close to my nanny’s house. When we go inside I could see Auntie Anne cooking dinner and my uncle was at work still working until in the morning on 7. She was cooking hot potatoes in the kitchen. And then after she cooked hot potatoes we all watched a movie on Netflix on the TV we were watching puss and boots. There was a airbed that we had to blow with the blower so it can be pumped up. We got our pillows and our blankets we lied down onto to the airbed and watch the movie puss and boots on Netflix. One of Auntie anne’s daughters were cooking and helping Auntie anne. When the food was ready we ate then after that we ate two topsy each. Then we slept and then in the morning we ate breakfast and then my uncle came when it was after 7 and then he brang 8 fizzy drinks and we watched thrones of Elves then 10 minutes later my Dad came. We stayed a little bit to watch thrones of Elves then we went with the box of topsy and then we had to say goodbye to them and their daughters.

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